Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to Goldman & Ehrlich. Please review our privacy policy terms in our website
The only personally identifiable information which Web site collects about you is the information which you choose to provide to us, such as the online contact forms you send us which describes your case and the contact information you choose to include in that form. Your personally identifiable information will only be used for purposes relating to our website to inform us of your possible claim and contact information, or, if an attorney-client relationship is created between Goldman & Ehrlich and you, to enable us to fully represent you in your legal matter. We will never share any of your personally identifiable information with any third parties except as part of our representation in your case if an attorney-client relationship is created between us for the provision of legal services to you.
We partner with Thomson Reuters, who might also collect data as part of our marketing efforts. To learn more about the Thomson Reuters privacy policy and the data that might be collected, please visit: Thomson Reuters Privacy Statement.