Losing a job for any reason can be devastating, but being "quietly fired" can be particularly disheartening because it often happens without clear communication or warning signs. While employers can lawfully let employees go at will under a variety of circumstances,...
EMPLOYMENT LAW (EMPLOYEE) – Wrongful Termination
What is workplace retaliation?
Employees in Illinois have a host of legal rights. For the most part, employers take these rights seriously and implement policies and procedures that fall in line with the law. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Employers may fail in their legal obligations....
What is “quiet firing”?” A new trend hurting employees
Firing an employee can cost a business a lot. For starters, when an employee is fired, the company may need to pay the employee unemployment, continue their health care and offer them severance pay. For many business owners, this isn’t always preferred, but it’s often...
When can a layoff be wrongful termination?
A job loss is often a source of hardship, but not all terminations have the same impact on workers. For example, a layoff is different than an outright firing. It says less about the performance of one worker and more about the economic situation for the company...
Employees shouldn’t be subjected to retaliation
Employees have the legal right to voice concerns about unjust workplace practices without fear of retaliation in any professional setting. If you believe you're a victim of unethical treatment, such as discrimination or harassment, you're entitled to report such...
Common examples of wrongful termination
Illinois is an at-will employment state. Essentially, this means that employees can be terminated, or leave their position, at any time. Nonetheless, there are some exceptions to this. If an employer terminates the contract of their worker for unlawful reasons, this...