Harassment in the workplace is illegal. Whether you’re being sexually harassed or harassed due to race, religion, sex, age, or national origin, you have the right to take legal action. If you report the situation to your employer and they do nothing, there are some steps you can take to receive justice. Here’s some advice:
1. Know the Different Types of Harassment
There are several types of harassment. The different types of harassment include race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, or pregnancy. If you’re being singled out for any reason, it’s considered harassment.
It is also considered harassment if your employer denies you domestic violence leave or they if they will not allow you to object to illegal activity. If you’re denied wages or a promotion because you refuse to participate in illegal activity, you may have a case.
You cannot be harassed for taking family or medical leave or for filing a worker’s compensation claim if the employer has 50 or more employees. Employers also cannot harass people for having firearms locked in their non-company vehicles or harass you for missing work to testify under subpoena.
If your boss is just exhibiting abusive behavior, it’s not necessarily considered illegal behavior. Some small employers may not be protected at all. It’s important to know what justifies legal harassment in order to start legal action.
2. Speak With Your Human Resources Department
File a formal complaint with your human resources department. If they do not take any action, your next step is to obtain legal help. Be sure to make documentation of all correspondence. Comply with all meetings. Do not refuse to go to work or quit and do not record any of the conversations without permission.
Always give the employer an opportunity to fix the situation before suing the company. The victim may be moved to another location or the harasser may be terminated. If you don’t give the employer a right to rectify the situation, you may be giving up your right to sue.
3. Obtain an Attorney
Speak with an attorney to determine if you have a case. If you have a case, they can guide you on the proper steps to take to sue your harasser. They will probably advise you to bring it to the attention employer first. If you’ve done this, they’ll review your case and determine if you have the legal right to sue.
Have your attorney review your formal complaint. In general, bullying, hostile environment, or general harassment is not necessarily illegal. Be specific about your complaint. Entitle it “Formal Complaint of Sexual Harassment” or “Formal Complaint of Racial Harassment.”
Always Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
You cannot pursue legal action until you know what’s considered illegal. Always file a formal complaint and give your employer an opportunity to rectify the situation. If your employer retaliates or refuses to rectify the situation, you need to take legal action. Tell your attorney, and they will tell you the steps to take. It’s possible to get justice if you follow all the possible steps. Call 312-332-6733 or contact us online today to speak to an attorney.
I wasn’t given a raise for a year and a half but everyone else on my team was given one
Imagine the following scenario. You were hired along with an entire team of people by a company. Over the past few years you have worked together on the same projects. Your contribution to the project has been the same if not greater than many of the other members of the team. You are always on time, you are courteous, and you have been told many times by supervisors that you are a positive asset to the team. However, it comes to your attention that over the past year and a half every single member of your team has gotten a raise but you. What do you do?
Are You a Victim of Workplace Discrimination?
It can be challenging for an employee to determine if the treatment they are receiving is due to a performance issue on their part or if it is a result of discrimination. Many people are reluctant to categorize the treatment that they receive at work as some form of discrimination. However, as the treatment persists, they begin to feel stressed, confused, fearful, and anxious.
When an individual chooses to fight workplace discrimination, they have to realize that they are going to face an uphill battle. There will be negative consequences for them. There is also the risk of losing the source of income that they currently have. Finding a lawyer to fight against workplace discrimination is financially costly and can permanently damage the reputation of an employee.
One the other side of the coin, the decision to fight workplace discrimination can produce positive benefits. If it is proven that an individual is not given a raise while other members of their team are because of discrimination, it could mean significant financial rewards for them. Additionally, standing up against injustice makes things easier for other employees in the same position.
Reporting Discrimination
If you make the decision to report discrimination at work, there are a lot of avenues that will be available to you. One option is to use the internal regulating apparatus that your company has available to report the problem. If the company you work for does not have an HR department, you may want to proceed my speaking with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Complaints can be filed with this board anonymously, or they can be filed by an organization on behalf of an employee.
In some instances, it may be necessary to seek legal action to recoup lost wages. The advantage of having skilled lawyers work with you is that they understand the law, and they also understand how the law applies to your case. These attorneys will serve as skilled negotiators who will be able to help you navigate through the muddled waters of filing an employment discrimination complaint. Contact us online today or call 312-332-6733 to seek legal aid concerning your employment discrimination situation.
Hijab and Freedom of Expression
The Controversy
The hijab in America is frequently controversial. Wearers say hijab is a sign that they believe in Allah and in forbidding what is evil and encouraging what is good. The government, media, and even feminist organizations often say hijab oppresses women, but Muslims see instead a symbol of liberation. Most Americans ask how a law that restricts a woman’s dress can liberate. Muslims answer that the tradition of hijab frees women from the oppression of their perception as primarily objects of sexuality.
Unfortunately, legal disputes over hijab in America distort the expression of liberation and can turn hijab into something distasteful. Fortunately, there are also encouraging legal developments in the USA. In the global situation of hijab, it is clear that America is one of the better places in which to be a Muslim woman.
American Liberality
Here in America, hijab becomes a symbol of religious freedom. It is a way for Muslim women to express their beliefs, and generally the courts support them. Other parts of the world see hijab as resistance to society. Countries like France and Turkey that attempt to ban hijab would secularize society. Without guarantees of religious freedom, it may not be possible to observe hijab if banned. In the Middle East, the debate over the hijab demonstrates the intersection of religion and politics. Where a government bans hijab in order to Westernize society, the question is whether it should damage religion and culture to expand relations with the West.
Thus, wearing hijab in America expresses religious freedom while wearing it elsewhere expresses religious rebellion; however, personal identities can be multiple and complex. With better outreach, American Muslims could convince mainstream America that hijab, just one part of Muslim identity, represents religious freedom in America in contrast to other, less enlightened regions of the world.
An Encouraging Trend
While burqas remain highly contentious, the hijab is winning some acceptance step by step. Significantly, it has become part of the official uniform of various institutions in the UK in a trend that may foreshadow similar, future developments in the USA.
The Metropolitan Police (London) permits on-duty Muslim policewomen the option of wearing hijabs in the colors of the force. Plainclothes female officers wear hijabs of their choice. The force has approved four different styles.
An IKEA store in north London commissioned TheHijabShop.com to design a hijab in navy blue with yellow trim and an IKEA logo for female Muslim staff. The two-piece unit consists of a cap covering the head and a cloth fitting over it and covering the neck, shoulders, and chest.
IKEA and the London Police have shown a way forward in the hijab controversy. Not all employers are so considerate. Employment agreements may impose unreasonable obligations that violate employee legal rights in the workplace. Skilled, experienced employment attorneys make sure workers clearly understand all obligations their employers would impose on them. To speak to an attorney, contact us online or call 312-332-6733.