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What is “quiet firing”?” A new trend hurting employees

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2023 | EMPLOYMENT LAW (EMPLOYEE) - Wrongful Termination

Firing an employee can cost a business a lot. For starters, when an employee is fired, the company may need to pay the employee unemployment, continue their health care and offer them severance pay. For many business owners, this isn’t always preferred, but it’s often for the benefit of employees.

Instead, business owners may engage in unethical practices that encourage employees to quit. While employers have been doing this for years, the term “quiet firing” has recently caught wind. Quiet firing, essentially, means that an employer is treating their employee poorly with the hopes that they will quit, instead of directly firing them.

Quiet firing isn’t always obvious. You may need to look for the following signs that might indicate that you’re a victim of quiet firing:

Are you a victim of quiet firing?

There are many good reasons to quit a job, such as relocation or better job opportunities. However, you shouldn’t have to quit a job because your employer doesn’t want to take a loss if they fire you. Here’s how to tell if you’re a victim of quiet firing:

  • Your job role may have changed into something that doesn’t suit your skills or experience.
  • You were given a poor performance review in spite of the compliments given in the past.
  • You were given an unmanageable amount of work.
  • You’re being given so little work that you don’t feel useful.
  • You were refused a promotion or raise you were previously promised.
  • You can no longer contact co-workers.
  • Your work is being given to other employees.

If you believe you’re a victim of quiet firing, then you may need to consider your legal options.
